Saturday, July 7, 2012

We've had a little change of plans since the last blog. We came home and spent a few days visiting family and were able to go see David for a few days. He's busy as a beaver with his job ( a new promotion) school, and a life in general. We're currently in Wisconsin at the same campground we worked at last summer. We came up here the first of June and stayed at Prairie Island for 3 weeks so we could help Aaron and Laura on their house. The first three weeks we pretty much spent 10-12 hour days helping them on the house (Aaron wanted to know if this was the worst workamping job we’ve done) not the worst but the longest hours we have ever done, but we were happy to be of assistance to them. They still have a lot of little things to do but for the most part all the major things are done, a little painting trim, electrical and water and they should be moving into it in a couple of weeks. Hopefully they will have some “finished pictures” to post when it is all done. I admire all that they have accomplished in the past 4 months. It was definitely a task that I would not have wanted to tackle, but then again they are young, but I know they are ready to get settled in and have some relaxing evenings with nothing to do. Cindy and I will be here for a little longer then we will probably head back to Indiana for a short stay and then on to our winter job ( which we haven’t lined up yet). We’re not really sure where we want to end up so anywhere is open for us.

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