Saturday, May 23, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

Goods news, we finally got our internet hooked up here which means I no longer have to drive into town and update the blog. Net not working too good tonight, upload pics another day.

The weekend came around and we had around 7-10 campers here with us. One of the pleasures of this work is you get to meet people from around the area. Most of the people that come here have been doing so for years, some came with their parents when they were little and now they bring their children with them. Another nice thing about Lonesomehurst is that we do not get the younger age party people.Yea I know some of you are saying that I did the same things when I was young (and you might be a little right) but it’s nice to have the older, more mature, wiser and somewhat responsible people here.

What we learned real quickly is that here in Montana they take the food storage laws very serious. By this I mean if one is caught leaving a camp site unattended with any kind of food or drink outside, it can cost them a hefty little fine of anywhere between 100-500 dollars. Part of our job is to make people aware of the “bear situation” here. We had two groups of campers that knew all of the laws; they grew up here, they knew if all. Well guess who left food, dirty cookware, beer bottles, dog food, etc, out? Yea, you guessed it, the know- everything people. We ended up having to call the Vickie, which in turn called the local law enforcement. We ended up packing up everything left out and was just getting ready to haul it off and lock it up when they came back, (about 9:30 or 10:00 pm). Vickie explained that if the forest service ranger would have come through and saw it; the cost would have been $500. The next night guess what, (yea they had it all put away), This has been a very educational week for us in how to live among the bears. I had no idea that the critters would take a 12 pack of beer and consume it if it was left out on a table, and I’m sure not sharing my beer with any bears.

The next week was pretty much routine, performed our duties as host, fished, ate, and done some site seeing. I did catch my first brown trout, he was about 19 inches and put up a real good fight getting him in. We cooked it over the fire the next night and had our first brown trout meal. We also got to see a couple of Moose come in from the lake and walk between the camper and the lake. You notice in the sentence about the brown trout I mentioned it was about 19 inches in length; I did not take an accurate measurement so officially Cindy is still the “fishing queen” with the largest fish taken.

This is Saturday night, the 23rd and we have been very busy today. We only have 4 sites left out of 25, so this weekend is keeping us very busy. Tomorrow I’m going fishing and try and knock Cindy from the throne with a 21 inch or better trout. If not, I’ve still got all summer to get the job done

1 comment:

  1. That's a beautiful fish Jerry! Sounds like the season is getting into full swing for you. We could have used you at work today though. Problem with the internet. Where is our Jerry when we need him? But all is well now after a little panicking. Can't wait to see what your next update brings.
