Saturday, May 16, 2009

For those of you new to the blog please double click on the slideshow to view pictures in a new window full size. We also like to read any comments you would like to leave. Yes we are having a wonderful time and no we are not ready to come back to Indiana.

The past week we have just been hanging around Bakers Hole and cleaning up the sites, cutting wood, and just plain getting tired. We used muscles we haven’t used for a while, but even so it felt good to be doing something productive. We drove up to Mammoth Hot Springs and over to Lamar Valley and enjoyed the day and all of the beautiful country that is out here.

Wednesday the 13th we decided to do a little adventure seeking. Vickie’s husband told us of a drive which is around 60 miles round trip. We went to the north side of Hebgen Lake and headed west. He told us of a couple of “hidden lakes”, one being Wade Lake and the other Cliff Lake. Well if you look at the slide show you will see the county road we took to get there. The entrance off the highway to the lake was around 3 miles and I can tell you we should appreciate the county roads we have in Indiana. The first 3 miles was pretty much rocks, not the kind you find on our roads but we’re talking large ones that are coming up through the ground. I’m sure Randy can relate to the kind of roads I’m talking about. Unfortunately my Ram does not quite ride as smooth as a Jeep with nice balloon tires, but it does get us where we want to go. The two lakes were nothing short of being some of the clearest water I have ever seen. The pictures I have here can not begin to tell what it really looked like. We headed out again and had to decide to take the 3 miles back or the 6 miles the other way. Well you can guess which way I chose. The 6 miles out was just a little better than the 3miles in, due to the fact it was nothing but dirt and there hardly any rocks. We did get to see 3 Eagles flying over the meadows and stopped and watched them for a while. Finally we saw actual homes and realized we were getting close to an actual highway. The total drive took considerable time but it sure was worth the bouncing and shaking around we received, I do think we lost a few pounds on the entire trip.

Well we finally made it “home” today, the 14th of May. We headed out to Lonesomehurst before noon and got everything set up (well most everything), not the hammock or the lawn chairs, but we did get the camper set up. The water is down about 8 feet but it is expected to be back to summer fill in 2 or 3 weeks. It sure was nice to finally get here. We were only 15 miles away but we knew we still had one more move to make, so it now feels we are finally here. I even had some time to pull out the fly rod and try some fishing this evening, no luck but still it was nice. You know my motto, “a bad day fishing is still better than a good day at work”. We have excellent cell phone service here, 6 bars on the phone, so feel free to call us anytime.. Friday the plans are to finish getting the campground ready and trying to catch some nice size trout.

Well I got my first catch in Montana, a nice 18 inch rainbow trout. Not to be out done Cindy got up Saturday and went to the lake and pulled out a 20 inch, 2lb rainbow trout. She now is the “fishing queen” until I get one bigger. This was our 27th anniversary gift to one another, I catch a nice one, she catches a bigger one. The war is on !!!!!!


  1. I like your Indiana Slavey sign. Glad to see you still admit you're a hoosier. Tim is very jealous of the fish you caught. I must say, Cindy's is much more impressive than yours. Love reading your updates and seeing your photos.

  2. Glad to hear your finally at home! It looks as if it might still be a litle cool?? All is good here if we could only get rid of some rain. Sounds like your having a wonderful time and happy anniversary and what a way to celebrate your lifes together-doing what you both enjoy. Love ya both and take care.
