Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tetons, Connor Reeling Big One, Hoosiers Visit

I think that summer finally has arrived at Lonesomehurst !. Since the 4th of July the temperature has finally hit the 80’s. We’ve actually had some very nice days the past few weeks. The only problem with nice warm weather arriving is that the mosquitoes also have arrived here by the multitudes. I failed to include a few of the pictures that I’m sure you will enjoy. I’m not sure how I forgot to include the one of Connor reeling in his BIG Fish but I did so here they are.

Cindy and I spent of couple of day visiting Yellowstone Lake and some other beautiful places in the park. We also went over to Idaho and visited an area called Mesa Falls. One of the first couples we met here were Rodney and Dianna Gurell. They invited us to take a trip down to Jackson Hole, Wyoming with them. The day turned out to be a perfect day, clear skies, warm temperatures. We spent some time in Jackson Hole and I have forgotten since our first time out there just how many people visit that place. We ate lunch then drove up into the Teton Mountains. I have to say that next to Glacier Park the Tetons are right up there in the top two of my favorite places. The size of the mountains is just unreal and the water in the lakes look like something that is in a swimming pool.

After leaving the Tetons we headed back through the park and visited some other places. I’m totally convinced after the drive through the park that Cindy and I chose the best time to come here back in April. The amount of cars going through the park is amazing. The month of June the park was visited by over 600,000 people, a record for that month. I must say when we finally returned home to our little campground of 27 sites, that I felt that I was “home”. For anyone who might be thinking of coming to Yellowstone I would highly recommend the month of May or early June. People have told us the past week that the line of cars waiting to get into the park extended forever.

We also had the pleasure of spending a day with Tim and Linda Buckley. Tim decided after a number of years of telling Linda that he came out west to hunt, maybe it was time to show her he actually did come out here to hunt. We showed them around the campground and went into town to get something to eat. We gave them a tour around Hebgen Lake and ended up taking them to Earthquake Lake and around Henry’s Lake sightseeing. It was a nice to see some Hoosiers after being here for the past 3 months. A big thank you to Tim and Linda for stopping by.

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